Open Kale
Why Open Kale?
Open Kale was born as an umbrella branding that encompasses the Street Arts Festivals of Euskadi. A flexible, dynamic and liquid brand, adaptable to new times and new communication channels.
Initially Open Kale is made up of 15 festivals in Euskadi: 7 in Bizkaia and 4 in Araba and Gipuzkoa respectively, which cover all artistic disciplines: theater, dance, music, circus, performance, magic, installations, street bands, clown artists, etc.
The objective is to position Euskadi as a territory with a long tradition in quality street arts, both in terms of artistic companies and festival organization.
Open Kale aims to be a reference in the creation of new meeting spaces between spectators and street artists.

How do we want to position Open Kale?
The street is fun. It is joy. It’s getting together with friends. With the family. With people to meet. And enjoy. Share. It is to smile and get excited. It’s passion. Is happiness. The street is life.
And in every street and every corner of Euskadi you can breathe art. In all its cities. In their towns. In their neighborhoods. In their squares. It is a feeling from here. That creates community and closeness. Street arts unite us.
From the most avant-garde movements to the most traditional proposals. Music, circus, magic, dance, theater… Basque artistic diversity is well recognized. It’s quality. It is inexhaustible. Hundreds of groups and companies willing to show us their creations in open spaces. In that infinite scenario that is Euskadi.
And to dignify the profession of street artists. Yes, STREET ARTIST, in capital letters.
The Network of Street Arts Festivals of Euskadi is committed to proximity. For interculturality. For the talent. For the coexistence of themes and formats. By bringing new viewers closer. From here and from outside. For the creation of new meeting spaces between the public and street artists.
Welcome to Open Kale.
With what objectives was Open Kale created?
- Promote cooperation and exchange of knowledge between the different associated festivals with an articulated, horizontal, collaborative and sustainable work network.
- Propose common actions to promote the promotion, reach and strengthening of associated festivals.
- Promote initiatives to generate and attract audiences to the network’s festivals (local and foreign).
- Promote, make visible and defend the different disciplines of Street Arts in Euskadi. Together we will be able the growth of the sector.
- Be an interlocutor for festivals associated with public and private entities, and other networks of national and international festivals.
- Value the sociocultural contribution that Street Arts festivals and exhibitions offer, as well as their educational and economic contribution in Euskadi.
- Promote the professional development of its associates, promoting good practices and technical improvement of artists to promote the professionalization of the sector and dignify the profession.
- Guarantee diversity, social inclusion and gender equality in the organization of festivals, as well as in the dissemination of these values.
- Generate environmental awareness in the production of festivals, being an active part to achieve sustainable events.
- Respect for the freedom of creation and artistic expression of each of the shows programmed in associated festivals.

Festivals 2024
01/ Arabako Plazetan
02/ Bilboko Kalealdia
03/ Dantza Hirian
04/ Dastatuarte
05/ Festikale: Landa Guneko Arteen Jaia / Fiesta de las Artes en Medio Rural
06/ Festival de Teatro de Humor de Araia
07/ Festival Internacional de Arrigorriaga de Clowns y Payasos
08/ KaldeArte
09/ Kaleka
10/ Kalerki Zarautz
11/ Kilometro Lezo
12/ PDF Pasaiako Dantza Festibala
13/ Plazara
14/ Rataplan
15/ Umore Azoka – Feria de artistas callejeros de Leioa
16/ Zirkualde
17/ Bagatzako Antzerki Jaialdia