Hortzmuga Teatroa


After more than 30 years, Hortzmuga is committed to produce gut-wrenching theatre that analyzes the social context, provoke critical thinking and awake the conscience and the curiosity.


Hortzmuga Teatroa

+34 946711353

+34 697894074




El jardín de las delicias

The aim is to explore the symbolic potential of El Bosco’s painting, giving meaning to the spaces and drawing out its mysteries.
A journey with sound and vision, an experience to inspire curiosity. A performance with light, sound and sensations.

People on tour: 6.
Genre: Stage Installation.
Language: No text.
Length: 180 min.
Audience: Suitable for all audiences.


Link Dossier: https://hortzmuga.com/en/espectaculo/the-garden-of-earthly-delights/


