Piszifaktoria Ideien Laborategia


Piszifaktoria is an experimental group founded in 2015 in Laudio (Basque Country) by artists from different disciplines. Its main objectives are to explore the boundaries that separate different artistic expressions and to seek new ways of seeing, saying and expressing.


Piszifaktoria Ideien Laborategia

+34 620605150




Goroldiorik ez

A site-responsive show combining art, nature and history: A stroll through a natural environment, an opportunity to recover the forgotten history of the women of this environment and to reflect on the action of walking.

People on tour: 2.
Genre: Multidisciplinary.
Language: Basque.
length: 60 min.
Audience: Adults.


Link Dossier: https://piszifaktoria.eus/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/goroldiorik-ez-dosierra.pdf



