Zurrunka Teatro


Specialised in puppet and shadow theatre, we are committed to the principle of reflecting/transmitting a variety of society’s concerns and at the same time becoming a mirror and a catalyst for reflection through subtlety, humour and poetry. We are integral creators of all the elements generated in the creative process


Zurrunka Teatro

+34 695714699





Guided by an elderly couple who have arrived from their rural universe, we witness the rediscovery of the wildlife that springs up vibrantly between the cracks in the asphalt, the display of sensations and colours that changes how we perceive our surroundings.

People on tou: 2.
Genre: Puppetry/ Theater.
Idioma: No text.
Duración: 90 min.
Audience: Suitable for all publics.


Link Dossier: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J63ETMKTVMhbusAA8tTfjgQN2JLr22km/view


